
No one has seen what you see (6-13 anni)


Norwegian children’s illustrator and writer Lene Ask will hold workshops for children, both for schools and families to free entrance, which will have as their starting point the book “No One Has Seen What You’ve Seen” by MUNCH Publishing. With the design by Aslak Gurholt, the book is also the winner of the “Best Book Design from All over the World 2023” award. In the book, through a selection of Munch’s works, Lene Ask invites children of all ages to draw and be creative together with Munch. The coloring book contains exercises that refer to Munch’s way of experimenting and aims to show children that there are no limits to Munch’s art and invites them to participate in his universe. The workshops are a part of the collateral programme going parallel with the Munch exhibition in Milan this autumn. It’s the first time La Lettura Intorno – Bookcity collaborates with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Rome with the aim to promote Norwegian children’s literature for a young Italian audience. With a wish that the collaboration can grow in the upcoming years before the Childrens’ Book Fair in Bologna where Norway is a guest of honor in 2026.

La partecipazione è a numero chiuso, con prenotazione obbligatoria tramite form sul sito www.muba.itPrenotazioni disponibili dal 7 novembre alle ore 10.

Ospiti: Lene Ask







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MUBA • Museo dei Bambini Milano, Via Enrico Besana, 12, 20122 Milano MI, Italy