Julie Posetti

Julie Posetti

Julie Posetti is VP of Global Research at the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) and Professor of Journalism at City, University of London. She is a multi award-winning internationally published Australian journalist and academic with over three decades of experience. Posetti leads the Online Violence Project and research for the Disarming Disinformation Project at ICFJ. She has also led several major UN-commissioned studies in the fields of disinformation, freedom of expression and the safety of journalists.
She is the author of Protecting Journalism Sources in the Digital Age (UNESCO, 2017), lead author of The Chilling: A Global Study of Online Violence Against Women Journalists (UNESCO/ICFJ: 2022) and Guidelines for Monitoring Online Violence Against Female Journalists (OSCE, 2023), and co-author of Journalism, 'Fake News' and Disinformation (UNESCO, 2018) and Balancing Act: Countering Digital Disinformation While Respecting Freedom of Expression (UNESCO, 2020). She is ...

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