Muamar Orabi

Muamar Orabi

Muamar Orabi is general director and editor-in-chief of Wattan Media Network, an independent Palestinian media organization based in Ramallah that that includes Wattan Media Network (Wattan TV, Wattan FM, and Wattan News Agency), Wattan Institute ‎for Media Research and Future Studies, Wattan Academy for media training and capacity building and Wattan Fact Checking – Fighting Misinformation and Disinformation; Hate Speech and ‎Rumours; and Promoting Media and Digital Literacy – “Daqeeq”‎.
Since 2000, Orabi has worked toward enhancing the role of independent media through leading Wattan in producing reports and programmes that focus on issues of public concern including sensitive and controversial topics such as public sector corruption, unemployment and highlighting marginalized communities ‎and groups, especially women and youth that are rarely covered by other mainstream Palestinian media outlets. ‎Orabi has a fundamental role to play in designing and managing media campaigns and...

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